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![]() H Brace using VicebiteMultiple end assemblies in a vineyard development using Vicebite brackets, here you can see the teeth biting in - note that three strands of wire are used as the cross brace creating a Super strong end assembly ready to weight bear a precious harvest of vine dried sultanas. | ![]() Vicebite fence bracketsGalvanised steel and pressed to shape there are no weak points with this bracket. Screws or nails are only needed for the first bracket placement, they don't increase the brackets function - well tensioned wires is all it needs. | ![]() Vicebite installationHammer the bracket to the required height in a downwards motion and then a quick tap with the hammer on the top edge of the bracket imbeds the top teeth so it won't ride back up the post! |
![]() Vicebite Bites inWire tensioning forces the teeth to imbed into both the post and stay creating a snug fit with no sharp edges endangering animals or humans! | ![]() Hammer into positionDon't be afraid to get tough with Vicebite - hammer to the desired height on the post, a quick tap at the top of the bracket will make it stay and let the wire straining do its job! | ![]() Stay PostTap the second bracket to the end of the stay post, then rest the other end on the first bracket and hammer to the desired position. |
![]() One bracket Two UsesVicebite has a lip which can be bent to suit the H brace design. | ![]() Vicebite Horizontal GraphicWork with the teeth shape slide the bracket up the post or you might find things a bit harder to manage! | ![]() horizontal graphic1 croppedA closer look at how the Vicebite design works. The angled edge of the teeth allow the bracket to slide up into place, a few taps with a hammer will do it, then you're ready to install your cross support wire, this helps lock everything into place. |
![]() Vineyard DevelopmentsKeeping fence stays above ground saves work and Vicebite makes it easy - note the height position of the top end stay is 1/3rd down from the top of the post, this reduces levering under heavy load bearing times. | ![]() Vineyard end assembliesVineyards are an ideal example of where Vicebite really makes a difference. Keep your post strength, no notching and they are quick and easy to install. Multiple end assemblies....too easy! | ![]() Mildura RegionDesigned by a local Mildura horticulturalist Vicebite is perfect for vineyards reducing vehicle impact risks there's less cutting and drilling of posts. This ensures post life is kept to a premium. |
![]() Vineyard Shaw Trellis SystemThe Shaw Trellis System is perfect for the dried vine fruit industry, it has six wires running from the top of a six foot post, maximum end assembly strength is needed to ensure fruit is protected. | ![]() Notching FailureHere is an example of why we should work with the natural strength of the timber and not against it. Particularly if you're needing your fence to load bare e.g. vineyards | ![]() Table grape TrellisWould you be happy if this happened to your crop just before its ready to go to market? Good end assembly construction can save you more than just time, it saves you money!! |
![]() Notching gone wrongReducing the strength of the post is all you are doing if you notch it - see the bow already happening with this fine example of what NOT to do. | ![]() Natural post strengthAny cross cutting of the grain in a timber post will lessen the life of a post - so why do it? Use Vicebite its designed to work with the grain of the timber not against it! | ![]() Design Gone WrongThere could a few reasons why this one failed e.g. Wrong size end post (length and diameter), soil type, post ground depth, also lack of cross wire support will also cause a levering action of the end assembly. |
![]() A stay or not a stay?Why bother? This one was never going to last, too small, too low, too short a distance from the post! Don't skimp just do it right and it won't fail! |
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